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Insulation is a fundamental part of any home or building, one many homeowners may actually take for granted. You’ve probably seen insulation before in your life packed into the walls or ceilings of a building. What many don’t realize is how large a role insulation plays in raising (or lowering) your utility bills or even the frequency of home repairs, as well as improving air quality and providing general benefits for the environment. In considering the many benefits insulation provides for a homeowner, it’s important to invest in high quality products that will last a long time and provide the maximum benefits for your home. We’ll discuss the average costs of spray foam insulation to help give you an idea of why it’s important to upgrade your insulation today.

Spray foam is known to be one of the most effective forms of insulation on the market today. Widely renowned as resistant to heat transfer and air infiltration, it’s no secret that spray foam insulation is a top-notch product that many companies want to offer. However, due to the high demand for such services, prices can vary. Surveys of homeowners who relied on professional drywall or insulation companies found that the typical homeowner pays between $2.50 to $5.90 per square foot of insulation applied. This price can vary based on the thickness of insulation being applied and how much of your house needs insulation installed.

Below is an approximate list of average price of materials per square footage.

100 sq ft: Price $44-150
200 sq ft: Price $88-300
500 sq ft: Price $220-750
1500 sq ft: Price: $660-2,250
3000 sq ft: Price $1,320-4,500

High-quality spray foam insulation can last for decades. It’s always better to invest in something that will be the best possible option for you and your family, and we’re committed to helping you find the best and most affordable high-quality options for your home.

What is the cost of polyurethane spray foam insulation on Long Island?

While spray foam insulation can save you money in the long run on your energy bills, it can cost a bit more to install upfront than other forms of insulation. The price to instal spray foam insulation can vary by a number of factors including:

  • Location and size of the project
  • Your geographical location
  • How difficult the job is
  • The thickness of foam needed
  • The type of foam used (open-cell or closed-cell)

Spray foam insulation pricing varies based on where the home or building is located geographically. Here are some typical prices ranges for spray foam insulation installation in the United States:

National Average: $2,394

Typical Range: $1,276 – $3,681

Low End – High End: $600 – $6,500

On average, most homeowners pay somewhere in the range of $1,463 and $2,926, which is approximately 2-4 times the cost of fiberglass insulation.

Open-cell versus closed-cell foam

For a one-inch thickness, open-cell foam costs around $1.00 to $1.20 per square foot. Closed-cell foam costs around $1.25 to $1.50 per square foot. Keep in mind spray foam thickness can vary from 1 inch to 3 inches, depending on the project.

For more accurate pricing information for your project, please contact us. If you are in the Long Island area, contact Spray Foam Long Island for your home insulation needs here.

Open-cell and closed-cell foam are used for different projects and have different uses. For more information on how the types differ, see this page on Open-Cell Versus Closed-Cell Spray Foam Insulation.

Is Spray Foam Insulation worth the cost?

While spray foam insulation costs more than other insulation up front, it can be a cost-saving investment for the lifetime of your home. Each month, homeowners can expect to save up to 40 percent on their heating and cooling costs. This can add up to massive savings over time. An investment in spray foam insulation can pay itself off within 3-7 years.

Spray foam insulation forms an airtight barrier in exterior walls, under roofs, and other air leak-prone areas which helps you save on energy costs and create a more comfortable climate for living in. Using energy-efficient insulation reduces your carbon footprint as it reduces energy use and uses less materials to maintain it over time.

New home vs. existing home

Spray foam insulation can be installed in both new homes and existing homes, but the costs with both can be different. The cost associated with installing spray foam insulation in a new home can be less because the areas are easily accessible and can be designed with spray foam installation and use in mind. Installation in existing homes requires installers to work around drywall and other obstacles which can be costly and time consuming, but still possible. Spray foam can be used in existing roofs and air leaks to make homes more energy efficient.